Welcome to the submission site for the Society of Hospital Medicine's scientific abstract competition, known as Research, Innovations, and Clinical Vignettes (RIV). If selected, your abstract will be eligible for presentation at Hospital Medicine 2015, March 29-April 1, in National Harbor, MD.
New this year: The RIV competition will have a Patient Experience theme. While abstracts on all topics are still welcome, we would like to encourage authors to submit abstracts on theme, as they will be specially highlighted at the meeting. These abstracts might address topics such as patient-/family-centered care, shared decision making, empathy, communication, disparities, satisfaction, or another subject that falls within the context of improving the patient experience.
Depending on the decision of the reviewers, your abstract could be selected for a poster, oral, or plenary presentation. Before submitting your abstract, please download and carefully review the RIV Guidelines and the Acknowledgement of Authorship and Responsibilities statements. You will be held accountable for understanding and adhering to the information contained in these resources.
Deadline: The submission site will be open from Monday, September 8, 2014 to Wednesday, December 10, 2014, when it will close at 11:30 PM, EST. We strongly recommend that you complete your submission well ahead of the deadline in the event of technical questions or unforeseen events. Abstracts will not be accepted after the deadline -- no exceptions.
Other key dates:
Should you experience any technical difficulties during your submission, or if you have questions about the appearance of your abstract, click HERE to download and print detailed instructions for the abstract submission process.
Thank you for participating, and good luck with your abstract!
If you have already submitted and wish to make changes, you may log in below using the submission ID number and password already provided to you:
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